Friday, August 12, 2011

H is for _______

Canning, canning, canning is what I've been busy doing. There's such a feeling of satisfaction with each jar that's placed on the shelf at the end of the day.

God is gracious, and has brought in some cooler temperatures so the canning seems a little more bearable. The windows are open, the breezes are blowing, and it feels wonderful, especially early in the morning.

I'm enjoying reflecting on words that describe me, good and bad. It's given me a chance to ask myself how others view me, too. I want to be pleasant to be around, though I know I'm often not. Last night, after I compiled my list, I asked Abigail to make one describing me as well. Our lists were exactly the same, with one exception.

On to the letter H!

Huggable - Abigail's addition, and I think she's accurate. I love to give hugs. Good hugs. Do you know the kind I mean? The kind that make you feel warm, and loved, and special? Yes, that kind!

Homemaker - There's no place I'd rather be than home, and I love making it warm and inviting. Good food, a clean place to rest, and laughter are important to me, but feeling like you are loved and cherished here are my main goals. I want others to feel God's love as soon as they walk through the door.

Helpful - I enjoy helping others, and working alongside others.

Happy - I really don't have much to complain about, and I usually don't. I thoroughly enjoy my life.

Honest - I give my honest opinion when asked, and I'm very fair to others. I've corrected clerks when given too much money back more times than I can count, and I'm always surprised when they are surprised that I was honest.

Handy - There isn't much that I can't do, and I attribute that to my dad. I grew up in a do-it-yourself family, and Verne and I are carrying on that tradition. We've run electric, plumbed, drywalled, painted, repaired, built fireplaces, and decks, finished basements, etc. I also bake a great loaf of bread, make my own soap, can produce, and sew.

Healthy - I eat right, exercise, and take care about what I put into and onto my body. I want to glorify God in all I do, and I'm careful not to make this an idol, knowing that I'm free to enjoy all things in moderation, and I do.

Hospitable - Our entire family enjoys entertaining others in our home, and I find it sad that more people don't practice hospitality these days. I love it when others feel comfortable enough to jump in and help and make themselves at home.

What "H" words best describe you?


Susan said...

Enjoyed your "h"'s today.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I like your list and Abigail's addition!

I have, again, many of the same words:

Hospitable - lots of guests - we love to include people in our life!

Happy! Definately!

Homemaker - My joy!

Handy - me, too! Sewing, knitting, canning, cooking, painting, designing...


Shug said...

Great H words. These words describe a person that deserves to be Honored. Good job!

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