Monday, April 11, 2011

Still Counting

Gifts 374-384 :

It was such a glorious weekend attending a beloved church's 40th anniversary celebration,
seeing and staying with dear friends,
talking late into the night and wee hours of the morning,
eating wonderful food,
and enjoying even better conversation.
Participating in joyful worship,
with not only a piano, but an organ, too!
Seeing covenant children whom have grown and now have covenant children of their own,
and rejoicing with young friends whom have just been hired for new jobs.
Talking chickens, goats, and gardening with others whom enjoy the same hobbies.
Such a sweet and blessed time with forever friends!
Too many gifts to even count, I think!

Join us?


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Your weekend in Dayton, seems to have been a wonderful time! So glad you could go and share that anniversary with that church, that is like family to you.


Anonymous said...

What is a "covenant child/children"? Not trying to be snarky just curious! I really enjoy reading your blog and trying your recipes. (:

Tracy said...


Good question! We believe that God works through families, and has since the beginning of time. Ever wonder why the Bible is full of genealogies? It's important to note that believers raise the next generation of believers.

God promised Abraham that He would make him a great nation (Genesis 12) and that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky, and that through them, (the descendants) the entire earth would be blessed. (Genesis 26)

As believers, we raise our children in the church, believing that God's promise to Abraham belongs to us too.

Obviously, every Christian household doesn't end up with perfect children (no one is perfect!), or even with all of the children living godly lives( and Scripture itself gives plenty of instances where offspring go astray), but we rest in God's promise nonetheless.

Our children are covenant children until they make a profession of faith by themselves at which time they become communicant members, meaning that they are free to partake of the Lord's Supper. Until that profession, though, they aren't just in limbo, not really members of the church. In fact, they are members, covenant members, simply by being born into, and raised in a believing home. This is why we practice infant baptism. It's not because it saves the child- it doesn't! It's a sign and a seal of God's promise to us for our children, and our faithfulness to raise them in His church.

I hope that helps some, and that you aren't more confused!

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