Julia, Rosie, and Joe departed early this morning after a quick pancake breakfast, following Autumn as far as the interstate as she headed to work, and started their long journey home. They will be missed.

It was such a blessing to share these precious days with these precious people.
And Curses! Oh, there was only joy here, but this game, Curses!, such a fun way to spend an evening.

The house seemed much too quiet today with only Abigail and myself at home. Back to school, and the daily routine. No dancing, no large number of folks at the table for lunch.

The past several days have been full of joy, laughter, hearty meals, hikes, skating, reading, knitting, game playing, and cigar smoking.

Today there was only quiet, as the washing machine hummed along.

The Virginia Reel, Salinger's Round, and swing dancing were only a memory.

The sweet sound of laughter ringing through the house, and laughing so hard that you cry.
That cigar picture cracks me up, Joe looking a bit like "Caught!" And Mac (?) looking more like "What are you lookin' at?"
Such a fun looking visit, and the dancing! I have 2 pretty left feet, but I did take 8 weeks of ballroom dancing lessons about 10 years ago, and it was a blast!
Thanks for letting us "visit" with Jewels kids as well, it was fun!
Know wonder you miss them - what a delightful visit you had.
What a wonderful visit you had! I have to say, Tracy, your floors are really shining!!!
Haha! Looks like everyone had such a good time and now you have such a lovely memory!
What a wonderful post! Thank-you so much for having us...we had such a great time :)
Hello to everyone, oxooxox, Rosie
Oh, it looks like there was so much fun!
I love the dancing!
I'll bet it was quiet.
Beautiful home by the way.
Looks like you all had an absolutely great time! :)
Dear, precious people. Such beautiful capturings of the special memories made. All the seeings, and the tellings since mine returning, have made me feel nearly as though I was there myself. Thanks, Tracy {and all} for welcoming them in to your hearts, and your home. xo
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