Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Corner Market

For years, I baked scores of Christmas cookies. Really, too many. It's not like I don't bake during the rest of the year, and having a freezer full of goodies to eat at the ready proved to be entirely too tempting for several of us. Last year I scaled way back. A few family members thought I went too far in the opposite direction. I need to find a good balance. Normally, by now the oven is running all day and into the night. Cookies are accumulating like I'm preparing for a great famine.

Not this year. Not yet. I need to make a list and check it twice. I need to decide what's really important, and what's fluff. Aren't all cookies fluff? You wouldn't think so if you lived in my house!

Today, during our trip to the city, we stopped into a European market. I love this little corner market, though it's a rare treat to visit. Because my own baking hasn't started I splurged on a few French macaroons, and two chocolate croissants to be split on the drive home.

The breads were very tempting, but I passed them by. Good thing we'd just had a nice lunch!


Bonnie said...

You showed amazing will power. I would've wanted everything!

Margo said...

what pretty photos!
I grew up with the mountains of cookies and I have never found the energy to replicate that. And I have also found that my sweet tooth is fading as I get older, replaced by a savory tooth :)

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Neat Market!

How did you ever choose? I don't bake as much as I used to, but we still love our goodies as do the masses who find their way here!

I am enjoying making bread though, very much.

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